Episode 10
010: What's Preventing You From Taking the Leap with Samantha Riley
In this episode, i introduce you to my coach; Samantha Riley.
Of the thousands of businesses that are launched every day, only a handful end up being successful. With such tight margins, is quitting your day job worth the risk? Taking the first step of your entrepreneurial journey is always daunting. Whether you want to pursue entrepreneurship full time or just part-time, you’ll never be ready for the obstacles that you’ll meet along the way.
Despite all the challenges that come with entrepreneurship, deciding to embark on this excursion can be hugely rewarding and, in some instances, life-changing.
Entrepreneurs rarely start their businesses by quitting their jobs and going all-in. It’s usually an ease-in, making sure the business can stand on its own before deciding to quit. Although different strategies work for different people, being passionate, hard work, having a knack for learning, and having great ideas are what will make or break your entrepreneurial spirit.
In today’s episode, we take a deep dive into the world of entrepreneurship, discussing everything you need to know, how to tackle obstacles, and so much more. Everyone dreams of one day becoming an entrepreneur, but is it the right move for you?
- Getting to know Samantha Riley (1:44)
- Transitioning into the world of business (4:40)
- Making an impression (5:30)
- The essence of resilience (6:18)
- Having your own cheering squad (7:20)
- Being inquisitive and wanting to know more (8:26)
- Seeking advice from experts (10:07)
- Working on your terms (13:50)
- Utilizing your knowledge and experience to better your business (15:01)
- What makes your business stand out (19:20)
- How to find your ‘thing’ (21:23)
- Understanding what makes you unique (22:19)
- Courageous conversations (22:32)
- The golden handcuffs (23:08)
- Transitioning from being employed into the world of business (23:39)
- Bee Life (24:07)
- Why now is such a good time to start 25:00)
- The K-E-E-P model (26:10)
- If you don’t like it just change it (29:52)
- Obstacles you need to overcome before you can start (30:10)
- Actions come before clarity (30:30)
- Mindset and strategy (31:40)
- Momentum builds motivation (32:13)
- Moving your focus when feeling overwhelmed (32:53)
- Ask better questions, and you’ll get better answers (34:40)
- Top 3 tips (34:53)
- What do you want your life to look like (35:03)
- Surrounding yourself with the right people (35:41)
- Why the naysayers are also important (36:10)
- Just do it (37:40)
- Don’t compare your beginning with someone else’s middle (39:40)