UA-151527870-1 523555891760046 028: The Future Of Leadership Is In Our Youth with Erin Faehrmann - Made For More

Episode 28

028: The Future Of Leadership Is In Our Youth with Erin Faehrmann

Every generation has its own struggles. The sad reality is that older generations often struggle to understand and relate to the issues plaguing today's young adults and soon-to-be adults. Additionally, these problems are completely different from how it was a decade ago. Of course, they may differ depending on who you ask, but it's clear that something needs to be done.

The rise in social media use has also contributed to a change in how our young generations learn, consume information and interact with each other. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it is different. Thus, it would be best if parents, organisations, and teachers all joined hands to tackle these issues from a combined front.

Unfortunately, there exists a communication gap between the youth and their elders.

The good news is that our guest for today, Erin Faehrmann, and her organisation, Youth Opportunities SA, provide opportunities that positively impact the youth to better their lives and those around them.

We talk about the personal leadership program, the power of goal setting, and the benefits of play in today's work environment. 



  • Getting to know Erin Faehrmann (03:01)
  • How Youth Opportunities SA is impacting the youth through digital media (06:20)
  • Embracing technology in a post-pandemic world (08:10)
  • How working in several organizational departments prepares one for leadership (10:50)
  • Why most leaders are generalists (15:15)
  • Erin's personal leadership program (16:40)
  • Importance of setting achievable goals (20:10)
  • How youth can adopt and implement goal setting strategies (25:47)
  • Analysing the goal-setting program
  • Erin's journey towards leadership and challenges faced (28:04)
  • Why leaders need to adopt play in the workplace (30:10)
  • Erin's go-to play resources (34:07
  • Benefits of using ice breakers during meetings (35:55)
  • Erin's Four Big Decisions (38:30)
  • Erin's top five tips for leaders and upcoming leaders (41:37) 

Links and References

Erin’s Website

Erin’s LinkedIn

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Made For More
Talking all things leadership, leadership mindset, goal setting and courageous conversations.

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Ally Nitschke

Ally is a Leadership Expert, a Courageous Conversation Specialist, Keynote Speaker and International Radio Show host. As the Founder of Made For More, Ally works with leaders and organisations to build Courageous Leaders and teaches the art of Courageous Conversations. When organisations and leaders work with Ally, they Do More, Achieve More, and ultimately level up their Leadership and Business.