Episode 15
015: Bringing Coaching As A Tool In Your Leadership with Stacey Ashley
A leader might possess the technical know-how, knowledge, and resources to achieve managerial success, but does that make him/her a great leader?
A Big, No!
The one desirable trait you as a leader should possess is the ability to coach your team. You know why? Because when executed correctly, coaching inspires your team members to be self-reliant, discover new things, and have the willingness to perform tasks on their own.
The difference between coaching and management comes down to focus. In management, the focus lies in directing your employee on what to do, how to do it, and when to do it. Coaching, on the other hand, is all about collaboration and empowerment.
If you’d want to be an effective leader leading a productive team, you need to answer this all-important question about inspiring or instructing your team members. With us today is a high-performance leadership expert, Stacy Ashley, who’ll discuss all about coaching and how to incorporate coaching into your leadership style.
- Getting to know Stacey (01:50)
- What prompted Stacey to set up her own business (02:20)
- Working with leaders on leadership styles (03:03)
- Giving your team the inspiration to come up with productive pathways (04:45)
- Leading leaders in the right direction (05:28)
- What leaders need to focus on (06:30)
- Red Flags that a leader needs help (07:05)
- Leaders as coaches (09:20)
- Creating learning opportunities (10:14)
- Why leaders don’t need to know everything (10:30)
- Coaching questions (12:30)
- The power of ‘how can you help’ (13:05)
- Embracing coaching in your organization (15:10)
- Moving the responsibilities from the coach to the person being coached (17:11)
- What you need to unlearn before learning about coaching (19:03)
- Asking instead of commanding (19:30)
- How to elevate your listening (20:05)
- Listen to understand rather than listen to respond (20:39)
- Top 5 tips for leaders (21:30)
- Leading yourself before you can lead others (21:50)
- Why leaders need to be continuously learning (22:10)
- The need to create more leaders (22:30)
- Enjoy your leadership (23:15)
- Importance of leading yourself first (24:10)
- Lead yourself, then lead your tribe and then lead your world (24:20)
- Discussion about Stacey’s upcoming book (26:50)